1. Mesh formats

Feconv support the following mesh file formats:

Mesh formatDescription
PMH formatDescribes the Piecewise Mesh File format.
UNV formatDescribes the I-Deas Universal File format.
VTK formatDescribes the Visualization Toolkit format.
BDF formatDescribes the MD Nastran Input File format.
MPH formatDescribes the Comsol Mesh file format.
PF3 formatDescribes the Flux File format.
MFM formatDescribes the Modulef Formatted Mesh format.
MUM formatDescribes the Modulef Unformatted Mesh format.
MESH formatDescribes the Freefem++ Mesh file format.
Ansys MSH formatDescribes the Ansys Mesh file format.
Freefem++ MSH formatDescribes the Freefem++ Mesh file format.
Gmsh MSH formatDescribes the Gmsh Mesh file format.

1. Field formats

Feconv support the following field file formats:

Field formatDescription
PMH formatDescribes the Piecewise Mesh File format.
UNV formatDescribes the I-Deas Universal File format.
VTK formatDescribes the Visualization Toolkit format.
PF3 formatDescribes the PF3 Flux File format.
DEX formatDescribes the DEX Flux field file format.
MFF formatDescribes the Modulef Formatted Field format.
MUF formatDescribes the Modulef Unformatted Field format.
IP formatDescribes the Interpolation file format.