1. Mesh formats
Feconv support the following mesh file formats:
Mesh format | Description |
PMH format | Describes the Piecewise Mesh File format. |
UNV format | Describes the I-Deas Universal File format. |
VTK format | Describes the Visualization Toolkit format. |
BDF format | Describes the MD Nastran Input File format. |
MPH format | Describes the Comsol Mesh file format. |
PF3 format | Describes the Flux File format. |
MFM format | Describes the Modulef Formatted Mesh format. |
MUM format | Describes the Modulef Unformatted Mesh format. |
MESH format | Describes the Freefem++ Mesh file format. |
Ansys MSH format | Describes the Ansys Mesh file format. |
Freefem++ MSH format | Describes the Freefem++ Mesh file format. |
Gmsh MSH format | Describes the Gmsh Mesh file format. |
1. Field formats
Feconv support the following field file formats:
Field format | Description |
PMH format | Describes the Piecewise Mesh File format. |
UNV format | Describes the I-Deas Universal File format. |
VTK format | Describes the Visualization Toolkit format. |
PF3 format | Describes the PF3 Flux File format. |
DEX format | Describes the DEX Flux field file format. |
MFF format | Describes the Modulef Formatted Field format. |
MUF format | Describes the Modulef Unformatted Field format. |
IP format | Describes the Interpolation file format. |