byte_size_logical Function

public elemental function byte_size_logical(l) result(bytes)

Procedure for computing the number of bytes of a logical variable.


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
logical, intent(in) :: l

Character variable whose number of bits must be computed.

Return Value integer(kind=I4P)

Number of bits of l.

Source Code

Source Code

    elemental function byte_size_logical(l) result(bytes)
    !< Procedure for computing the number of bytes of a logical variable.
        logical, intent(IN):: l        !< Character variable whose number of bits must be computed.
        integer(I4P)       :: bytes    !< Number of bits of l.
        integer(I1P)       :: mold(1)  !< "Molding" dummy variable for bits counting.
        bytes = size(transfer(l,mold),dim=1,kind=I1P)
    end function byte_size_logical